As technology is evolving in all sectors, customers preferring more interactive experiences. This whole process is increasing the complexity of channel management for companies seeking to provide the best customer experience. Digital mediums are being reshaped by the use of AI- specifically with chatbots and conversational applications.
According to Bluewolf's annual State of Salesforce report, 29% of the best contact center teams are investing in chatbots. Now come to the Chatbot features must have are :
1. Natural Language Processing: It is the ability of a computer program to understand human language as it is spoken. This feature helps in generating more leads because the conversation between customer and bot become more like human to human interaction.
2. Trainable: Chatbot should be backed by machine learning so that it can be trained easily and not required to feed data for everything.
3. Human Handover: While chatbot interacts with customers, sometimes conversation could become more complex and chatbot can’t be able to answer the questions, the chatbot must be the ability in a chatbot to transfer the chat to human agents.
4. Conversational UI: chatbot must have a very interactive UI so that customers can easily interact with it.
5. Deep Analytics: Chatbots must have the ability to measure data, analyze data, and optimized data so that you can use it to grow your business.
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