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Top Technologies That Will Transform Chatbots in the Future

There are lots of technologies evolving in the current world, chatbot platforms are adopting these technologies very fast. Some of these technologies are as below :

1. Natural Processing Processing(NLP): It is the technology where a chatbot can process human language and can respond to human queries according to their requirements.

2. Machine learning: It is the ability of a chatbot to train itself from the interactions with the customer and hence don't require to program chatbot again and again.

3. Artificial Intelligence(AI): AI enables the chatbot to handle more complex jobs than just chat. AI enables the chatbot to take the decision e.g. if chatbot has difficulty understanding customers' queries then it can transfer the query to the human agent and learn from this interaction, this feature called human handover.

4. Blockchain Technology: The basis of blockchain technology is very simple and comes down to the following algorithm: there is a record of transactions operated between two counterparties. It is sent by the DLT to a registered journal on a regular basis. Each counterparty has its copied sample of register journals. If someone tries to delete or edit details of a transaction, the system won't allow them to do this because firstly it'll compare the record with other counterparties’ register journals. Hence the blockchain technology could be applied to chatbots too. In such a case, counterparties give the chatbot a mark that is converted into a Trust Score.

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